Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Day Another Dollar

School, work ,sleep ,eat. These things seem to be what consume our lifes lately. Edwin is out of town most of the time and I am spending my time with school. I finally decided to start my photography "business" I guess you could call it. I am excited and nervouse and the same time but it will be great. With Edwin being gone I have had alot of time to kind of reconnect with some old friends. The truth is when you get married and move to another town you loose contact with some people, its not intentional by any means, its just what happend. Any ways with all this spare time on my hands I have also got to meet knew poeple in my  town. I really have enjoyed it. I got a new calling in my ward as the Young Womes President! Its pretty amazzing. The lord works in mysterys ways. The way my life has been going I just continue to tell myself that the Lord has a plan for me and my husband and even though right now we are apart and it is hard I just keep trying o hard to keep my faith. It has taken alot of prayer to stay strong and not completely fall apart! I absoulutly Love the Gospel and the strength that it ihas been giving me these past months. My family has been AMAZING support, Stacey takes good care of me making sure I have compant :) I am a very blessed girl!