Wednesday, April 6, 2011

thinking thinking thinking

ok... so.... today i went to a viewing and it got my thoughts rowling! and i have began to wonder, why do we become so attatched, to everything because when we become attatched we are hurt. sooner or later we loose something and we have to suffer the pain of that lose. and then i see people who have nothing no fanily and i feel soory for them but should i because they will never experiance that lose, yet again there life isnt complete without love. i suppose it shows how much love means to us because we allow our selfs to love and be loved understanding the consequences of what is to haappen we allow the love because we understand the suffering doesnt last forever. it is actually a small time compared to eternity. *sigh* its like watching my grandma with her lose and where she is turning for comfort she hoes right back to her family to her brothers it is so amazing to me the strength of family. its like getting attached to pets why if we know what is going to happen. in a book i have been reading it said that sometimes a death or whatever sometimes happen so you can grow stronger. and i totally get that. i am just amazed at how much we sacrafice for love. love of all kinds! ya my head has been rowling all day!