Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

So i decided that i should use this blog to keep the world updated our life. lol not that much happens for us but thats ok. I am still at the resturant and not loving it. hahaha what can you do. We had a wonderful christmas out first christmas as a married couple and are year anneversiary of are engagement. it was a wonderful two days. Edwin got me an Awesome camera! i love takin pictures and now that i have this awesome camera i cant wait to start taking as many pictures as possible. But i am kinda trying to wait until it gets a little bit warmer because it is freezing. like so cold i cant breath hahah. I got Edwin a cute little pistol for christmas seeing his face when he found out was so awesome i loved it! edwin was awake at six because he was so excited for christmas so he woke me up and we went and opened our presents together :) it was a perfect christmas. then we went to my sister in laws house and had christmas breakfast and opened presents with all of them and edwin spent like two hours putting together this cool race track that ray got lol it was awesome me and callie took pictures with our new cameras. then we went to my parents house for dinner and to exchange presents from all of us :) it was fun. we got to see my grandparents lol they are so so so funny hahaha love them. edwin is so bored with nothing to do. but dude its cool :) well have a good day!